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Are you ready to improve your relationship with food and gain food freedom?
We offer individualized nutrition counseling through a weight-inclusive lens. You won’t find any restrictive meal plans or diets here. Instead, we will work with you to focus on behaviors and thoughts around food, help you learn how to eat intuitively and honor your body’s appetite cues, and find satisfaction and pleasure in eating.

We specialize in nutrition counseling for:
Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating
Digestive Disorders
Body Image Concerns
General Health and Wellness Concerns
Chronic Dieting Cycles
Intuitive Eating and Non-diet Nutrition Therapy
Individual sessions are currently offered virtually.
Prior to booking an appointment, we offer a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation to discuss your needs and how we will work together and answer any questions you have.
Sessions may include general nutrition education, exploring your relationship with food, creating a food plan to meet your lifestyle and needs, increasing food variety and challenging food rules, and brainstorming recipes and meal ideas.

Meal Support
Supported meals or snacks are helpful for staying accountable to your meal plan, challenging disordered thoughts that arise during meals, experimenting with fear foods, and modeling a neutral relationship with food.
Note: Love & Grits Nutrition does not accept insurance directly, but we can provide a Superbill for out-of-network reimbursement. Insurance companies and policies differ with respect to coverage and reimbursement for medical nutrition therapy (MNT). Please contact your insurance company to determine if you have coverage.
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